
cppkg is cppm central package repository
cppm use it by default to find requested packages
if you want to use Hunter Package Manager manager set repo="hunter"
cppm auto detect vcpkg (with package.vcpkg config) you can find package with cppm cppkg search

$ cppm cppkg search -h
   cppm cppkg search [--verbose]

   --all [-a]                      :show all package 
   --help [-h]                     :show cppm commands and options
   --repo [-r] {repo name}         :show {repo_name}'s packages  # cppkg or hunter

Adding a Dependency

add [dependencies] in your cppm.tomlfile

fmt = "6.2.0"

Re-run cppm build, and Cppm Search yout package thirdparty directory thirdparty/fmt/6.2.0/cppkg.toml
if can't find it cppm search from cppkg repository and copy to thirdparty/fmt/6.2.0/cppkg.toml

You can easily add unregistered packages

If you want to add unregistered package need to make cppkg.toml file cmake base unregistered package is only need 3 config version git or url *** module *** no cmake base package need to custom downloader cppm provides commands to create cppkg.toml

cppkg file generate command

$ cppm run cppkg init -h                                                                                                             
   cppm cppkg init [--verbose]

   --des [-d] {description}        :add description    
   --flags [-f] {arg}              :add cmake build flags
   --git [-g] {repo}               :add git repo       
   --git_tag [-t] {tag}            :add git tag        
   --help [-h]                     :show cppm commands and options
   --module [-m] {module}          :add module name    
   --type [-t] {arg}               :add type default is lib
   --uri [-U] {arg}                :auto detect uri or git and version
   --url [-u] {url}                :add url repo Require --version
   --version [-v] {version}        :add library version Require --version

Example fmt library

6.2.0 version config

# thirdparty/fmt/6.2.0/cppkg.toml
version = "6.2.0"
description = "A modern formatting library"
module = "fmt::fmt"
flags="-DFMT_DOC=OFF -DFMT_TEST=OFF -DFMT_FUZZ=OFF" # (optional) for cmake build fast flags

git repository version
git version dependency always version check in CMake build step

# thirdparty/fmt/git/cppkg.toml
version = "git"
description = "A modern formatting library"
module = "fmt::fmt"
flags="-DFMT_DOC=OFF -DFMT_TEST=OFF -DFMT_FUZZ=OFF" # (optional) for cmake build fast flags

Easy Way to use cppkg init command

# fmt 6.2.0
$ cppm cppkg init -u "" -v "6.2.0" -m "fmt::fmt" fmt
# or (auto detect version)
$ cppm cppkg init -U "" fmt
# fmt git
$ cppm cppkg init -U "" fmt
# or (auto detect version)
$ cppm cppkg init -g "" -m "fmt::fmt" fmt
# fmt 6.2.0 with cmake flags
$ cppm cppkg init -U "" --flags "-DFMT_DOC=OFF -DFMT_TEST=OFF -DFMT_FUZZ=OFF" fmt

Hunter package manager version

# cppm.toml
fmt = {version="latest", module="fmt::fmt", repo="hunter"}

Custom Downloader

version = "6.2.0"
description = "A modern formatting library"
module = "fmt::fmt"


# Cppkg Base Dependency Downloader
# Almost same cmake ExternalProject_Add
# Other Options:
# - Linux Configures:
#    L_CONFIGURE {...}, L_BUILD {...}, L_INSTALL {...}
# - Windows Configures:
#    W_CONFIGURE {...}, W_BUILD {...}, W_INSTALL {...}
# - Install Path Options:
#    LOCAL(default) GLOBAL 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
project(fmt-6.2.0-install C CXX)


Dependency Format

    version = "x.x.x|git|latest(hunter only)"
    type = "lib(default)|bin|cmake(incomplete)"
    git = "..." # if git version 
    url = "..." # if x.x.x version
    module = "..." # (require)
    link = "public(default)|private|interface"
    custom = "false(default)|true" # cppm build time cppkg.toml translate ${name} in 
                                   # if you want to custom installer(${name} set true
    repo = "cppkg(default)|hunter"
    flags="${cmake build flags}"
    helper="Find...cmake" (optional) cmake/Modules/Find${package_name}.cmake 
    components = "..."