|-- cppm.toml # cppm config file
|-- CMakeLists.txt # <-- generated from cppm.toml
|-- build # Build directory
| |-- Debug # Debug mode target directory
| `-- Release # Release mode target directory
|-- cmake # cmake module path
| |-- Modules # cmake Find*.cmake path
| `-- cppm_tool.cmake # cppm_tool load script (require)
|-- include # public header (export header)
|-- src # private header and sources
| `-- main.cpp
|-- test # test src directory
| `-- test01.cpp
|-- examples # example src directory
| `-- example01.cpp
`-- thirdparty # cppkg config and file path
`-- ${cppkg_name}/${cppkg_version}/cppkg.toml # cppkg config file